Countrywide Home Loans
Workout loan to help me lower my payments and prevent foreclosure adds $20,000 to my original mortgage

Business & Finance

In April we purchased our home in Conroe Texas for approx $198,000. We had two mortgages, our first was for $166,000 and the second was approx, $29,000. Both mortgages were with New Century Mortgage in Oct my loan was sold to Countrywide in Simi Valley, CA. Thre amount of the loan was approx. $165,000. After Hurricane Rita, being diagnosed with Cancer and a few other major setbacks in our family we missed sever payments in 2006. We asked for a hardship workout loan modification and not only did our mortgage go up over $20,000, but instead of our monthly payment going down to be more affordable to live each month it went up. Are they allowed to add $20,000 to your principal of your loan. I have a fixed 30 year morgage. I feel like I am being ripped off and would appreciate some help.

Thank you
Conroe, Texas.

Company: Countrywide Home Loans
Country: USA
State: California
City: Simi Valley
Address: 1800 Tapo Canyon Road
Phone: 8006696607
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