Rip off, scam, fruad

Business & Finance

I applied to be matched with a lender for a payday loan. I was never even sent to their site yet they attempted to take a 19.00 fee out which was returned so I incurred an NSF fee. This week they took 44.00 out and my bank says that they can't stop them from taking anything out because they were able to obtain my account info some how, probably by hacking.

I have acquired their address and phone number 714-839-1300 is their "phone number" which is all automated and goes on directly to address the fees pulled. It states that if you are an official or bank calling in regard to a member disputing the fee that they can supply the "IT" address that the application came from and the application. I would like to know how this is possible if I didn't fill out thier application. For them to address this specific issue right away says that they deal with this all the time. Also there is no customer service representatives and if you press "0" it disconnects.

Company: 200cash.com
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 110 W. Ninth Street, Suite 581
Phone: 4435832274
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Payday loans

200cash payday loans applied for payday loan only to find not available in Ga. $19.99 taken from acct even though application cancelled

Payday Loan Scam/Ripoff

Don't use cash200.com other companies don't charge application fees

Rip-off charges application fee for payday advances

Great Scam. Charged me 19.00 for a application I had the money in the bank. But they said I did not charged me overdaft fee as well

200cash.com - Anderson_payday_loans
Took money from 2 accounts after 1 application filed, now trying to take more money DBA as Anderson_payday_loans. Watch out

200cash.com, INC
Payday Scams

200cash.com I applied for a 200 dollar loan and in order to process my loan this company withdrew from my account, $19.00 as an application fee and did not grant my loan. I contacted my bank immediately to diuspu

Fraudulent $19.95 Application Fees - Highjack PayDay Applications