Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Bank is Stealing!

Business & Finance

This company is getting away with robbery! Their "system" is to take credits before deposits (on the same day) so you overdraft. I really want this stopped! I've complain alot and e-mail them constantly! A class action lawsuit is what we need! If anyone know where I can sign up to join one, please let me know.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Site: www.wellsfargo.com
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Wells Fargo Located At Irvine California
Steals money - Total ripoff

Wells Fargo Bank, Inc
Excessive overdraft fees bordering on underhanded business practices

Wells Fargo Bank
Stole money from my checking account

Wells Fargo Bank
Excessive overdraft fees They first pay the largest purchase, then charge $35 for each small purchase, totalling over $200

Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Bank overdraft fees in the state of Washington are BACK-A

Wells Fargo Auto Loan
Unauthorized withdraw

Wells Fargo Bank
Overdraft fees

Wells Fargo
Overdraft Fees

Wells Fargo
Unhelpful and unpleasant bank

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Credit Card Lunacy