Emc Mortgage
Emc mortgage, rude, unhelpful, harassing!

Business & Finance

EMC Mortgage holds our Second mortgage, back on January 4th I was informed that my company was going to do a RIF (Reduction In Force), and they laid off 80% of the workforce, we could not afford to make our January payment, but we contacted EMC and was told by the representative that as long as we were no more then a month behind we were fine and could catch it up as soon as possible. But in the mean time we were receiving anywhere from 5-7 phone calls a day from EMC wanting to know where our ayment was. Not able to find employment in February we were unable to make that payment. But the beginning of March I found a new fulltime job, and began getting paychecks, we managed to make one of the payments we were behind, but were still the one payment behind that EMC said was ok. Once again still receiving up to 7 phone calls a day wanting to know where our payment was and when it would be paid. On April 18th about 30 minutes before my scheduled time to be at work, I was contacted by phone and told that the project we were working on had been pulled and everyone was being laid off. We contacted EMC Mortgage and made them aware that I had again lost my job. They said we were only one month behind and it was fine. We told them about the numerous phone calls a day, and the Rep. Basically acted all surprised, like they could not believe that. As of yesterday April 29, we have not been able to make our April after 4 phone calls between 8am and 11am, we called EMC Mortgage and explained our situation and ask what we could do, also let them know I had secured another full time job, but was not scheduled to start until May 5, the rep stated we were 2 months behind, which totaled roughly $500.00, So we ask them about the payment deferment, or a loan modification. The Rep. Taking the information was very rude, and he ask if we could make half the payment roughly $228.00 I explained again that I had told him I had no employment prior and had just gotten another job that I had not started yet. The rep wanted me to give him a definate date that we could make the payment, and I again explained I had not started the job yet, and had no idea when my pay days would be. I again ask him about the deferrment or modification. He then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to speak with a realtor about saleing our home since we could not make the payment, by this time I was getting rather angry and I told him, I was not going to sale or foreclose on our home or something as small as $500.00. I then for the 3rd time ask him about the deferrment or modificaiton and he then finally said he could send out a packet to us to fill out for a payment deferrment. He then proceeded to ask me my personal information such as "INCOME"??? Monthly bills etc., so he could update his information. I gave him all the information he ask for, and he then said he would note my account that he had spoken to me and that he was sending out he information to fill out for the deferrment. He then stated he would note my account so we would not receive calls from them for atleast a week. This morning April 30, 8am my phone rings it is EMC Mortgage, I answer it, nobody says anything. Approx. 30 min later phone rings again, once again EMC Mortgage., again, nobody says anything when I answer. Approx. 10 something AM phone rings again, EMC Mortgage., this time I did not answer. They did not leave a message. 11am phone rings again. EMC Mortgage., I answer. This time a guy is on the line, says who he is with and says he is calling about the payment etc., I told him I had talked to a guy yesterday about my account and about the deferrment packet etc., come to find out this was the same guy I had spoken with YESTERDAY!!! I told him I had already received 4 phone calls between 8am and 11am, from EMC Mortgage, and that I was rather irritated with them, he too acted surprised didn't know why we were called etc., again wanted to update the informtion he had just updated yesterday. I told him I was not going to do that as he had already gotten that info. Yesterday. He said he would put on the account to stop calls for 1 week. And make sure the packet was going out in the mail. So now we wait until we get the pack, fill out everthing, and see what happens, I am rather skeptical after reading alot of the reports on here if it is going to be a waste of time to do this. But I suppose I will do it and see what happens. It amazes me how incompetent, and rude the customer service representatives with EMC Mortgage are.

Company: Emc Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Lewisville
Address: P.O. Box 293150
Phone: 8007233004
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