Consumer Portfolio Services
Unprofessional losers who cannot get a real job! Nationwide

Business & Finance

I have never in my life been lied to the way ALL of the reps at CPS lie! Their scare and intimidation tactics are just that! Don't get me wrong, make your payments but do NOT believe for a single second that they will, 1) call the Police and TRY to cancel your license plate, that is just ignorant!

I called our local police and the sargeant told me that a bank/finance company cannot do that. 2) Tell you that they have already contacted your HR department and set up "wage assignment"!! Again, they cannot do that with our several other legals steps! 3) ok, this is the biggest and the BEST of all... Gina told me that I had 20 returned checks! Funny, well, for one, I have never paid by check, ever! Only by saving acct draft and have only had the vehicle for 8 months. How in the world could I have paid 20 times? I called my bank, got copies of my records for the last 8 months and compared it to my payment history.

Again, FUNNY, she was clearly full of bigtime *!! She then told me that they "turned me into the police" for my retd checks. Get this... I don't even pay them from a checking acct and NEVER, EVER have! They are IDIOTS! The police told me to file a complaint with the BBB in the state that I live in and also in California.

For being ONE MONTH BEHIND, why act so desperate and go to measures that have made me feel paranoid, nervous, and down right sick to my stomach! Even if your payment is not behind, they will still tell you they are going to pick your vehicle up and demand an address of where the vehicle is located. Call their bluff and tell them that they should already have that info. I made Susan guess where my vehicle was. She said.."home?" How funny, she knows she called me while I was at work!

If there is anyone who has ever had this much crap from these people, I want to know. ANother tip, if you do not want them to call you at work, write it down in a letter and fax it to them. I did that and they do not call me at work anymore. If there is a specific person their who you will refuse to talk to, write that down in a letter also and fax it to them. I did and so far it has worked.

Good luck everyone!!

Company: Consumer Portfolio Services
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Irvine
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Consumer Portfolio Services (CPS)
Threatening, Mean, Trying to steal my Paid off Vehicle

Consumer Portfolio Services
Dirty business

WFS Financial
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing, trying to repo car when current telling me I months behind, then saying its been charged off, harassing my husband at work

County Financial Services
County financial is the biggest rip-off company i've ever seen! Beware people!

Crescent Bank & Trust
Not applying payments, charging interest when not applying payments, repossessing vehicle without notice, not willing to discuss account. Victimized many consumers

El mirage police department
Never filing reports-from a sexual assualt and theft of my vehicle

SunTrust Bank
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Consumer Portfolio Services

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