Bank Card Empire
Promised work from home only wants money Tempe

Business & Finance

A cold call promises you can work from home following leads they supply and if any of your leads gets results you will receive $500.00 for any bank card machine they install based on your referral.

On the inital call they have you pay $100.00 to $500.00 to purchase the information you need to work from home. The second call I rec'd was from a high pressure telemarketing salesman who insist that you invest from $5,00.00 to $15,00.00 to start your business. When stating you have excess time to work but no money to invest he said you need to invest money to make money.

The next call we received was another rude marketing salesman that again insist that you purchase either post cards $2.00 ea or mailing list. This man called me hard headed because I told him we didn't have money to invest and I wanted to hear how we can make money by hard work. He kept trying to get more money by buying some other marketing ploys.

Paso roblespaso robles, California

Company: Bank Card Empire
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 5028 S. Ash Ave
Phone: 8772273597
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