Unted Bank Card
Illegal bank wire transfers from closed Former Business account

Business & Finance

My company signed up with United Bank card (UBC) for Credit card processing 5 years ago. My companys 3 year Contract had expired and was on a Month to month bases.

Recieved a corporate letter from United Bank card. It stated they were raising processing fees and adding a $59.00 yearly membership fee.

Check around for another processor to end my account with UBC.

I informed United Bank card, we will be changing service providors. Not only for the price increases additional fees, but poor customer service. Average wait phone time for billing is one half hour.

Contacted United Bank card and requested to cancel my account.

Received a fax account cancellation form for signature confirming & closing the account. UBC called me back and stated they could not read myt signature. Had to refax it back twice so they could read the signature.
I have a messy signature anyway so I do not know what the problem was.
United Bank card was well aware of my account cancellation.

After going over 2007 bank statements, discovered United Bank card Illegally wire transferd a basic montly service charge and Batch machine sur charges.

This was inspite there was NO processing activity from the date of the cancellation Fax. There were no active batch machine activitys with United Bank card from the date of cancellation. Our batch machine was re programed with a new server from the new date of new service.
United Bank card also did not send any montly billing statements of the activity.
We always received a statement of the monthy credit card processing service

You would think after 3,4 or 6 months of no credit card processing activity United Bank card would contact my company with questions?

Companys need to pay close attention to monthy bank statement charges.
Each deduction needs to be cross reference. Expecially when there is a change with servers and processors.

After contacting customer service, They are stateing the account never closed. This is inspite, I have a dated statement from them with my signature.
Fax log statements of the faxes sent the date of closing the account.

Also NO banking activity, No credit card charge backs, Credit card processing ect.

United bank card has refused to refund $422.50 that was illegally deducted from my company bank account.
I had contacted my Bank and blocked United Bank card from all future access to my account. This was done from the date of discovery.

I would highly recomend blocking cancelled service providors or anyone that is deducting monthy fees where services cancelled.

I had to Re cancel my account with UBC in January.

United Bank card gave me a hard time on the second cancellation and was slow in sending correct paper work.

This took 6 hours to conclude

This time I demanded a statement to the effect Acct # is closed.

They sent me a statement stating the account will be closed at the end of the day.
This was not accurate as it was not evidence that the account actually closed.
This is how they operate. They can still claim the account never closed at the end of the day.

The clerk was difficult and did not want to send me the statement and actully did not want to send the statement.
6 hours later It arrived Via Fax.

After this second cancellation. United Bank card tryed to deduct more funds from my account.

UBC wanted the membership fee and other Misc charges

Its funney that at the second cancellation, I asked 3 times if there were any outstanding statement fees, charges. There was an account search and I was told NO. Again NO 3 times.
UBC sent me a First letter stateing I owed them and if mot paid they would turn me over to a collection agency. I beleve this bill was sent to get even for my insistance to refund what is owed to me.
This bill was later cancelled. The custoer service rep was surpirzed and confused as to where this bill came from. This was 3 weeks after the account was closed the second time.

Companys Beware of United Bank card (UBC) Located in New Jersey. This is a difficult company to deal with and a rip off.

They have a $59.00 yearly membership fee. This is on top of there high credit card processing fees. Very poor customer service. Average wait time for billing is one half hour. A couple of times 45 to 55 Mins.

You can do much better with other card services. Look at how United Bank card treats there former clients. They force small claims lawsuits.
Planning a Better Business report and small claims court action.
If anyone else has experieced similar treatment, we could consider a class action lawsuit against this terrible company.

Trenton, New Jersey

Company: Unted Bank Card
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Hampton
Address: 53 Frontage Rd Perryville Industrial Park
Phone: 8002010461
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