Consumer First
Rip-off False credit approval & false promises

Business & Finance

I recieved the letter in the mail and it stated that I was approved for $4,000.00 and that it was real and if I was not happy with the company that I could get refunded.
I only needed to send a processing fee of $45.00 or $49.00 for a rush delivery.

I really believed it because I had worked so hard to get my credit in good standing.

Also Visa's name was all over it. The paper work looked real and they cashed my check. As soon as I get that check back from the bank I am going to find those scum bags that are ripping off hopeful people.

Fairfield, Connecticut

Company: Consumer First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: P.O. Box 15386
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Consumer First

Consumer First Platinum
Ripoff, fraud, false advertising, deceptive company false promises ripped off and scammed

Consumer first
Consumer First ripoff evil dirt bags false promises

Consumer Preferred
Said that i will have a credit card with a credit line of $5000 if i sent in either $45 or $49 for a rush delivery

Consumer Research And Marketing Solutions
I recieved a letter in the mail to do a job as a secret Shopping to visit all this stores to evaluate the customer service, also they sent me a check for the amount of 4,738.00 Check

Consumer First
Visa Ripped OFF Sent 49.00 never recieved credit card

Consumer First
Rip off scam of approved credit card tricked and lied to us

Consumer First
Rip-off of $49 processing fee for new platinum visa card mailed me approval of 5,000 credit line a

Consumer First
Ripoff Credit Card Scam dishonest ripoffs

Consumer First
Dishonest false promises ripoff