TMC Financial Services
Foreclosure Assistance Colorado Sprinfs

Business & Finance


Does not help home owners in need of losing thier homes. They will speak eihyou nicely just to get you as a client and when your money is recieved you will not receive any phone calls back from the company. I would call several times and no one would respond back, I would leave voice message but as I noticed that each time I call there would alwasy be a different perosn at that phone number, When I asked for a refund I was told that they are sorry that no one ever called back but your refund might not be possible since they BELIEVE someone has worked on your case. What case my mortagage stated that TMC never called them regarding my home loan. Well I did not wait around otherwise I would have lost my home I had to cooridnate with my mortagae company for some type of assistance. I would warn anyone about using this company, I have already filed a complaint with the BBB

Company: TMC Financial Services
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 4640 Dapple Grey Lane
Phone: 8665813478
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