H&R Block EZ IRA
Scam and cheating!

Business & Finance

When I filed by taxs online with H&R Block, I signed up for the Easy IRA. This seemed like a good idea at the time, however, I still have not received account information and have no way to access my account. Each time I call, I am on hold forever. The few times I've actually talked to anyone, I was routed to another person and reached their voice mail. I left messages but have never gotten a return call. I have submitted multiple email complaints, and all I get in return is instructions to call the same number that I've been calling in the first place. I am running out of patience but will not give up my hard earned money without a fight. So anyone considering setting up an IRA with H&R Block - protect yourself and go to a reputable company.

The H&R Block Easy IRA is a SCAM.

Company: H&R Block EZ IRA
Country: USA
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