Fred Campbell - Ben Johnson - John Campbell
Private lending Financing Company

Business & Finance

Attention: Beware of these people

After talking to several people, and doing my own research, I was informed about private lenders whom loan money to people for profits, that they felt who had a good business plan, and seem to be very profitable on paper.

Therefore I begin searching on the internet, and came across this website called GO Big Network. This website is for people trying to start their own business, or investors looking to invest in their company, and private lenders. So of course I registered on this particular website, and gave some information about the type of business I was trying to start-up, and my contact information.

August I received an email from Ben Johnson (President of Broadway Investment & Capitol) of California. This email said to give him a call, that he thought he could help me. Nevertheless, I did after receiving a couple of emails, and calls from his company directly. Ben Johnson and I spoke on several different occasions on the phone, through email messages about his company, and what his company could offer me. Afterwards, he requested that I email him my business plan, and I replied. Later we discuss my business plan in great lengths over a couple of days repeatedly. Simultaneously, I did my own research on him, and his company, and found him to be registered with the state of California, as well with the National Better Business Bureau. I did not find anything negative on him or his company.

Next I agreed to allow him to help me find a private lender to loan me 2 million dollars, someone to provide me the collateral for this loan, for a one time fee of $5,000, 2% monthly fee of my loan amount, and a 5% service fee for my loan to be paid directly to the private lender.

A couple weeks later I was informed that he had found someone to provide me with the collateral for my loan. He requested a conference call meeting with the party that would provide me with the collateral. Ben Johnson instructed me that they would want to possible go over my business plan with them as well. At this meeting I was introduce to a male by the name of John Campbell of Diversified Financial, and from California as well. Shortly after this meeting, I was informed by John Campbell that he and his partner Dr. Rhondalyn Singh Tanwar would provide me with the collateral, and all I needed to do is to provide them a copy of my bank statement reflecting that I could pay the private lender the 5% service fee of 2 million dollars.

Needless to say I complied with is as well, by faxing a copy of my bank statement to Ben Johnson directly, but blacking out my account number. Couple of days later I was contacted by Ben Johnson, and John Campbell, to requested that we have another conference call, but this time with a private lender.

September I was introducing to Fred Campbell of USASSET & FUNDING CORPORATION by John Campbell. I was told that he had worked with Fred Campbell on other projects, and they were not related due to the same last name. John Campbell informed me that Fred Campbell would also want to go over my business plan and that I needed to write an executive summary to email it to Ben Johnson. I was instructed on what to say at this meeting with Fred Campbell by John and Ben. John Campbell and Ben Johnson informed me that they were on my side and they would advise me through this whole deal due to the fact that I had informed them that I had no prior experience in this type of transaction.

They both agreed they would advise me, and that they would not make any money if I did not get the loan to fund my project. The meeting took place, and it was explained to me by all parties that after all documents were draw up and agreed upon that I would deposit a $100,000 to an escrow account, my collateral would be provided, and the 2 million dollars would also be place there as well. Next the escrow company would disburse all the fees to all parties and the remaining monies to me directly.

October a series of paperwork was drawn up for me to sign, and all were copied to John and Ben simultaneously by Fred Campbell. Then it was brought to my attention by Fred Campbell, that we needed a lawyer to draw up the final documents to move to the next stage, and this would cost me $10,000 in addition to the 5% service fee.

I immediately talked to Ben about this, explaining to him that I was told no up front money except at closing when I provide the service fee of a $100,000. Ben said he was not aware of this fee also, but would get back to me, and wait for further instructions. Later Ben Johnson informed me that sometimes the private lender will request to have an outside party brought in to make sure everybody is doing everything legally. Ben told me to go ahead and send the money and this would benefit me as well.

So of course I did. However that turns out to be not true at all. I tried on several of occasions to contact the attorney directly through this whole ordeal to make sure I understood everything, but he would never return my calls, he would just forward my email messages to Fred Campbell directly, and then Fred Campbell would respond to them.

About the end of October things started to change. The terms of the contract begin to change. Fred Campbell begins to be very persistent for me to wire him my $100,000. More specifically, I was informed by Fred Campbell that my money would go to John Campbell & Dr. Rhondaly Singh Tanwar due to that they would be providing me with my collateral, and that I needed to get an agreement with them as to when and how I would receive my money. Neither John nor Ben informed me of this directly. After talking to Ben and John about this change, I agreed that this was not so unreasonable, and they were just trying to make sure that they got paid too. Of course, a promissory note was draw up, and signed by Dr. Rhondalyn Singh Tanwar, and it stated I would receive my money in monthly installments over the next 6 months beginning in November, and this would begin within 24 hours of closing the escrow.

November I wire $100,000 to Austin Escrow as directed by the escrow company. I was instructed that the escrow would verify to all parties that they had received my funds, and this would allow us to move to the next stage of this transaction. Then another strange thing happens after waiting a couple of days for the escrow to close. I was contacted by Fred Campbell that there was a problem with the original signed contract, and another one had to be drawn up in order for the closing of the escrow to take place. Fred Campbell emailed me another contract that reflected a change of how much interest rate was to be paid on this loan, and when it had to be paid.

I did not understand it, so I called him, and he stated Dr. Rhondalyn Singh Tanwar had requested the change. I forwarded the new contract to Ben Johnson, and was advise to sign and return back to Fred Campbell. I did this as well.

The next day the escrow company Kim Austin specifically closed the escrow, and sent me confirmation that everything was in order. I waited a week, and contacted Ben & John as to when will I receive my first installment. I was told by them both that they had not received the money from Fred Campbell. I explain to them how is that to be, since I had received a confirmation from Austin Escrow Company that the glynn escrow had closed about a week ago. They both said yes, but they still were waiting as well.

So I received a confirmation from Escrow Attorney John P. Savage of Milwaukee, WI that he was holding 2 million dollars on my behalf, and that pertaining to my request that the funds be release to Dr. Rhondalyn Singh Tanwar. This confirmation came with an attached bank statement.

I immediately called Fred Campbell to find out who was this attorney, and how did he get my money. I was informed by Fred Campbell, that infact the escrow had closed my escrow, but they were waiting for Dr. Rhondalyn Singh Tanwar to provide the collateral first before he would release the money. I asked him that how they could close the escrow without receiving the collateral first and his response was that they were awaiting for my party. I then contacted Ben and was told that they were working on it, and I should have my installment by the end of the week.

December a couple weeks has went by, and me constantly calling, and asking what is the problem, and when can I expect to receive my money. Finally I was contacted by Ben & John, stating that they were not going to do business with Fred Campbell due to that change in the contract that Fred Campbell stated to me that was at the request of Dr. Rhondaly Singh Tanwar, and some other differences. They both advise me that they were requested all of their clients to cancel their contract with Fred Campbell, and they were going to privately fund everyones project themselves.

I reminded them that I had already wired Fred Campbell an $110,000, and you know he was going to say that he had honored his part of the agreement. I was informed by Ben & John that I needed to immediately cancel my agreement and request a refund of my service fee, and attorney fee, since technically the deal had not been finalize. I stated once again the money I had already wired, that I could not afford to just lose like that or spend just for some worthless paperwork.

Presently I have requested on several occasions that I want my $110,000 back from Fred Campbell, and that John & Ben either provide me the loan or refund my money I sent to Fred Campbell. Fred Campbell has consisted stated that he has done his part, but have refuse to refund my money. Ben & John has persisted that they are going to fund my loan. But still have not.

It is my belief that they are all in this scam together. Also that Ben & John insisted that I cancel my contract with Fred Campbell in an attempt to excuse them from having to refund my $110,000. I have yet to speak to Dr. Rondalyn Tanwar directly about any of this since; I agreed to let her and John Campbell provide my collateral.

Since then Ben and John has promise that they would fund my project directly without anymore up front fees, but as of yet I have not heard a word or have receive any money at all. I have contacted them on several occasions, their response since before Christmas has been you will be getting your funding in a couple of days.

When contacting Fred Campbell his response is that he done his part and that is took my $110,000 in exchange for a piece of worthless paper that he emails to me. I told him that I gave him the money in exchange for $2 million dollars plus fees, and he has my money, but all I got was a paper saying what I was suppose to get by email.

I know that there are others out there, and they need to be stopped immediately. They have no consious about what they are doing to people. I trusted them with my family life savings of $110,000, and may lose my home due to their scam.

Georgia woman

Company: Fred Campbell - Ben Johnson - John Campbell
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Phone: 7029440375
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Usasset & Funding Corporation
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