Saxon Mortgage
Cant get their billing right

Business & Finance

I have owned multiple homes and had loans with multiple lenders, and have never been subjected to the problems that I have with SAXON MORTGAGE.

Let me start this off by saying I have NEVER made a late payment on this or any other mortgage I have ever had. Saxon purchased my loan from another lender in November 07, and the ARM was due to adjust on December 1st. Saxon billed me my regular payment of $1777.03 which I payed using their online website (and I received a confirmation number they assigned to the payment received).

When I received my bill for December, the payment due was $2222.03. That was fine, I knew the rate had adjusted so as before, I paid that amount, online at their website, in the amount billed on time. I received a bill for January, same amount, same payment etc.

On February 8th I received a notice of default from Saxon. Immediately I logged on and my account did not show my payments that I had made for December, January, or February (which technically has a 15 day payment grace period that had not expired).

I called Saxon, had to battle with their loss mitigation department that treats you like an absolute criminal... And finally got to talk with a supervisor that had absolutely no clue as to why my payments were never posted to my account. And, on top of that, she told me that they were under billing me and my payments were more than $400/month less than the amount actually due. Amazing. I paid the amount that was printed on my monthly statement.

I have called them daily, not one person has been able to explain the problem or find any resolution at all. I have sent letters to them and their in-house legal counsel that have been un-answered. I have carbon-copied the Federal Trade Commission and the Ft. Worth Better Business Bureau.

To this date they are not showing even one payment that I have made (on time, every time) posted to my account, which they are now saying is 71 days past due. I have received countless letters and telephone calls telling me that if I dont pay some outrageous defaulted amount of more than $11,000.00 my house will be sold from underneath me.

How does this company continue to operate billing customers whatever they want to... And not posting payments in a timely manner? Is there not some regulatory agency that they are accountable to?

I have (and will continue to make) my payments on time every month. I will continue to document each and every conversation that I have with them, and track my payments. And believe me, I will also monitor my FICO score and credit reports to ensure nothing has been adversely reported against me.

Does anyone have a good referral for a lawyer?

Company: Saxon Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: 4708 Mercantile Dr. N
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