Peoples Credit First
Ripoff deceptive company

Business & Finance

I also recieved a flyer stating that I was guaranteed 5,000. I sent in for my card "rush". It has now been about a month. I was sort of worried but then I found this web site now I am furious. I will be contacting my lawyer in the morning to find out what i can do. Does any one know what we can do to get our money back and maybe more for "stress". (haha). I was going to use the card for my wedding now I guess it will be put on hold for a while. If anyone knows or finds out what we can do please let me and everyone else know. Maybe we can file one big law suit from all those affected by these scum. Who knows.

Transfer, Pennsylvania

Company: Peoples Credit First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: PO Box 320366
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