HomEq Servicing
Bought my morgage, increased my payments and interest and than forclosed on me

Business & Finance

In January we bought a house in Columbiafalls, Montana about one month later HomEq Servicing bought my morgage and about 2 months after that they raised my payment to a amount that we could not afford. It was about 5 months after that they sent me a forcloser letter.

I asked them what we could do to get the house out of forcloser. They told me that i would have to pay them about 2500 dollars a month for the next 3 years to get everything cought up. My payment was at 1300 a month. There was no way we could pay 2500 per month.

My forcloser sale was to happen in june and we had to leave the house.in January I got a letter saying that my interest rate had went up on my morgage. The forcloser sale was invalid and they never notified me for 7 months that the house was still mine and is still mine. The people that where buying the house had lived in it for the last 7 months for free.

Company: HomEq Servicing
Country: USA
State: California
City: North Highlands
Address: 4837 Watt Ave, Suite 100
Phone: 8004140969
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