Cic Credit Monitoring
People fighting back appears to have changed things for new victims nationwide california

Business & Finance

After doing a normal check of charges made to my debit card i came across a charge for 11.95 for cic creditmonitoring service along with usual details terminal number and a phone number to call the company if you had questions about the charges the company had submitted for payment. Well i called the number that was submitted with the charge because i didnt remember signing up for the service so i wanted it cancelled and credit issued back to my card for the 11.95.

The phone number belonged to a different company and they were in no way affiliated with cic credit monitoring service. So had to do a search on the net to find any information about this company, the results were not looking in my favor for not falling victim to this scam like many before me. I found a phone number, called to demand my refund and it turned out easier then i thought it was gonna and i feel it is because of all the people before me who were scammed by cic that fought back against cic an cleared the way for all that fall victim to the scam easier to get charges refunded.

Thanks to all of you before me that seemed to have forced this company to mend their unfair way of doing business. My kind of people! Never forget who the citizens of th usa are! We the people of the united states stand up for what we believe in and what is right! Forever fight back! I'll be damned if the money i work hard is going to line the pockets of those who i are intentionally dishonest.

Company: Cic Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8774816826
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