Farrell And Seldin - Attorneys At Law
Farrell They have been threatening legal action via letters

Business & Finance

I have been dealing with them for the last several months - through written correspondence.

They say that they are collecting on behalf of FFPM Carmel Holdings, LLC, who originally bought the debt from HSBC Card Services, who had charged it off.

In the first letter of correspondence they threatened legal action and also used the standard language of having 30 days to dispute it, which I did do. Here's part of what they said in my original letter -

"If you do not pay by this date, we may declare the entire unpaid balance of your obligation due and payable at once, and may exercise our full legal rights without further notice to you." They also stated "If you are late again in making your payments (something I never agreed to do), we may exercise our rights without sending you another notice like this one." One last statement from them: "The balance due and owing to FFPM CARMEL HOLDINGS I, LLC by the accountholder (s) on the Account as of the date hereof is $885.53 plus interest at the contract rate, plus costs and attorneys fees."

They stated that I had signed a contract and I asked them to provide a copy of that, which they did not - so I obviously did not sign anything.

When I got home last evening from work there was a card from the Sheriff's Office for the county that I live in - taped to my door. It was from the 'Civil' division who had been trying to serve me with papers from Farrell and Seldin.

As I stated above, they threatened to take legal action without warning, and they did even though I responded to them twice - both within the 30 day limit.

I would agree with Deborah in Westminster - where I live - that their Attorney's licenses should be revoked.

Company: Farrell And Seldin - Attorneys At Law
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Centennial
Address: 7807 E. Peakview Avenue, Ste. 410
Phone: 3037968300
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