Peoples Credit First
Ripoff scam con artists

Business & Finance

They took the christmas money I was saving because I thought I was getting a real credit cards to use for my kids this year...

I wiatress at small town restuarant so money is short. I try to put money back every week for Christmas whether it be $5.00 or $20.00. When I got this letter in the mail letting me know I was getting a credit card with a $5,000.00 line...

I mean who could resist so I took what I had saved and sent it in thinking I would get this card and my kids could have a good christmas and I could also get come medical bills off my back because they were offering no interst for a year.

Sounded great to me. Then. I get this stupid catalog in the mail with overly priced JUNK in it. I am very upset at the fact that people can be so mean. Now I'm screwed out of my $50.00 and I'm sure I will never get it back.


Company: Peoples Credit First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: O. O. BOX 15650
Phone: 8138794752
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