First National Bank of Marin

Business & Finance

Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mary Lou
October 8
First National Bank of Marin
PO Box 80015
Los Angeles, CA 90080-0015

I fear that your financing department has made a serious mistake! My husband sent two checks to your company on the same day, one check to pay my account and one check his account. My question is WHY did YOU cross out MY account number and write HIS account number on the check? This check was to credit MY Account not his account! We (my husband and I do have the same bank account); however we do have separate CREDIT CARDS with SEPARATE NUMBERS!

Currently, you are charging my account a LATE charge, when in fact you are the ones who made the mistake; because my payment WAS on time, but someone CREDITED IT TO THE WRONG ACCOUNT! Please rectify this situation!
Consequently, I am faxing you a COPY of the cancelled check which someone at your company has crossed off my account number and entered my husbands! This dilemma needs attending immediately; please CREDIT the Correct Account, which is MINE! Then, to make matter worse you send me a letter STATING that I am LATE on my PAYMENT, when I was not late the mistake was made by one of your employee's!

After speaking to one of your Customer Service Representatives, they informed me that NO ONE at your company ever physically touches the checks that are received. Nevertheless, my question is HOW do the checks get out of the envelopes? Then, they informed me that MY BANK was the one who changed the Account number on the check; so I called my bank and they assured me that they did not change the account number on the top of the check (for what reason would they change the number: we; Michael and I designate the account numbers ourselves and which account we would like our bank to pay) (We have online bill payment service with our bank).

We have been paying our bills in the same manner for the last two years! We, my husband and I have three credit accounts with your company: each account is currently up to date with the payments. Why would we want to pay two payments to his account and not one to mine?
I am not a happy customer, and I believe that this is extremely poor customer service. This is not a rational way to handle a customer's account!

Would it be unreasonable to ask you to rectify this situation and credit the correct account and remove my late charges?

This is a direct quote from you're website: SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS. We are proud of our accomplishments as a bank, and perhaps just as important to us is the genuine concern and attention we show towards every one of our cardholders. We are dedicated to serving the needs of customers with superior customer service. Http://

Mary Lou C
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C
CC Kept in my Personal File

Mary Lou
San Bernardino, California

Company: First National Bank of Marin
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: PO Box 80015
Phone: 8778253242
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