Afni, Inc
Company Claims to have account for 9 year old paid phone bill from Bell Atlantic

Business & Finance

Today (27 January) I received a collection notice from AFNI, Inc. Saying that I own $174.73 on a phone bill I had 9 years ago while in the NAVY. This bill was paid in full before I transfered to a new duty station.

Upon investigating online, I found that this is common practice for this company. I am therefor filing this report.

Company: Afni, Inc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
Phone: 8882571585
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Sent me a collection notice for $303.62 for a Bell Atlantic, Verizon, phone bill that is nine years old and at my old address which I wasn't living there at the time of the bill

Collection Agency Rip off for 9 year old "not legitimate" debt

Fraudulently attempting to take money

Afni Inc
Fraud and scam!

Afni, Inc
AFNI sent a notice for an account closed over 6 years ago

Qwest - Afni
Sent a bill to collections from 2002 that I was not aware of

Afni Collections Inc
Verizon False Collection Notice AFNI sent a collection notice for a non-existent account

Anderson Fin Network/bloom
Afni afni-bloom

Afni Inc
I want to thank everyone who filed reports. It kept me from being scammed they also sent me a letter about a past due bill from Bell Atlantic., IL

Afni, Inc
Rip me off