Continental Fiance Credit Cards
RIP OFF no fee not secured deposit B.S. Changed charges the day after they tried to activate

Business & Finance

I applied for a no fee nosecured Credit card 25oo. Oo min. I was approved, when I got the card andtried to activate they accused me of lie on the phone # but the phone Cp. Schanged the area code from 505 to 575 It was a major process to activate the act. Then the day after I get this e-mail saying the rates have been changed on your act. And the fees, please contact us if you don't want to activatie this act. I stopped payment on the
bank check by draft and I tried to contact the email and the 800# each time they said you have to contact the office I was contacting the office from the
next day on they called sometimes 4 or 5 times a day each time I told them to stop this act, it was a scam. The one NET FLix for 9.00 I tried to usse it on the internet was declined and then I got the message about the new fees on a email. I had to send netflix a check to get my movies in good standing that was the only reason I wanted a Card for the first time in my name. At 60 I guess it was time to start beilng dumb but I wanted to start somewhere, for future uses on crusie or travel. This is a rip off.

Company: Continental Fiance Credit Cards
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: PO Box 8099
Phone: 8005186141
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