Ge Bank/fingers Furniture
Fingers furntiture misrepresents specials!

Business & Finance

Due to a quick move from houston to Austin in July 07 because I am a TX crime victim, I fell behind for the 1st time on all bills until chks started back in. GE Bank harrassed me constantly and when i finally could pay, I paid $140 on 10/19/07 per reps request and $52 on 11/2, then was back on track with my pymts of $45 on 11/16/7, $45 12/3/7 and $45 1/3/7. Paymenst are due by 30th of each month. Per statement from 1-5-8 I noticed a late fee of $39 and a finance charge of $32.93 on it. $71.93 tacked onto my total! It shows a late fee for 12-30-7 pymt, but I paid on 12-3-7. The rep said they didn't get it and I asked where should I send it too? He completely didnt understand anything I said and was liek so do you want to cancel your card? Now he is sending 6 past statements, but I have been paying according to what reps told me to pay? How am i late? I received a $32.93 finance chareg and was told i have free interest/finance charges until 2010? Per the rep Steve they discontinued my special due to late pymts, but i was never todl when i signed the contract and I was notified when i caught up the account or even by mail. This is bad customer service!

Company: Ge Bank/fingers Furniture
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: PO BOX 960061
Phone: 8773175544
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