Ocwen Federal Bank
Adding all kinds of Fees, Mortgage went from $642 to Currently $950

Business & Finance

These people are the biggest scam artists around! My motrgage was originally 642 a month at a sadely 12% interest rate! 8 years later i'm at $950.00 with all their fees ect... We had a couple of instances medically where struggling and fell behind, instead of trying to work with you with a re-mortgage or interest payment at the time of need, they try to harass you and foreclose on you. They work with you and put you on a forebearance plan, the forebearance plan they give you will drag you in very very deep. Worst than you were, accept the harassment will stop and foreclosure will be put on hold.

The forebeance plan adds all these crazy late fees, legal fees, in which they require you to come up with $3,000 down payment and a payment due in 30 days to assure you home will not be foreclosed on! Now, ocwen has found away to drag my credit report down to where nobody will even look at you! Basically, this is away to wrongly keep thier customers, instead of treating them with respect and making matters better and a happy customer makes a good customer, they destroy your life and they will make sure you will stay an ocwen customer by ruining your credit. I'm begging someone leagally to take action on ocwen federal bank with an investagation. I would be willing to help out with any part of the investagation with facts.

Company: Ocwen Federal Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Dr
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Ocwen Federal Bank
Ocwen - Mortgage is such a mess my attorney through up her hands!

Ocwen Federal Bank
Somebody please stop these people! We need to join on a civilian lawsuit against ocwen federal bank! They are ruining our lives, its almost scarry to hear all the simular stories, forebearance plans, ridiculous charges, they want to steal your home

Federal Bank - Ocwen Financial Company Ocwen is a huge ripoff that will take your home and charge you outrageous fees

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Charging $2,000 in late fees for being on a Forbearnce Plan

Ocwen Federal Bank Fsb
Ripoff bogus attorney fees late fees foreclosure fees

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Ripoff Unmerited Foreclosure and forebearance attempts

Ocwen Federal Bank
Never applied my monies to the principal of the loan but only to fees ripoff

Ocwen Federal Bank
Forebearance Plans, illegal fees, harrassment and lies must be stopped! Ripoff!

Ocwen Federal Savings Bank
Ocwen Federal has charged me with late and legal fees! And did not disclose

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Horrible Mortgage Servicer/Ocwen