Debt Cures
The Book This book is the BIGGEST rip off ever!

Business & Finance

My husband told me to order this $29.95 Debt Cures book online... Despite my sceptisism of ALL these TV infomercials. I was also charged for 2 additional CD roms @ 19.95 for a total of w / shipping of $81.80.

First off, All the information in this book is COMMON KNOWLEDGE and almost all the "reference" websites listed in the book have "outdated" links. What a joke.
I placed this order online, and even CALLED (because the website seemed screwed up) to be SURE I was JUST GETTING THE BOOK and not "additional" CD roms and additional "stuff".. And the operator ASSURED me that my order was for BOOK ONLY!

I tried to call for an R/A (return authorization) on Saturday, 1/12 to return for a full refund — because they CLAIM to offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. But they count their SHIP DATE as the date that the 30 days begins. NOT the date you receive the item. I received this item on 12/24/07 and it is only 1/12/08, and they said they shipped it out on 11/30 (with an order date of 11/27)... Thus I am over my "30 day refund period". What a farce. WHAT A SCAM.

They claim they will have a supervisor call me on MONDAY — we'll see... If not... I am going to dispute the whole charge w / my credit card.

Company: Debt Cures
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8888464962
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Shipping Scam and Credit card Totals