Arrow Financial Services, J.A. Cambece, Eskanos & Adler Via Providian
Arrow Financial Services, Providian Arrow Financial Services, J.A. Cambece, Eskanos & Adler harass me last year, refused to validate, new lawyer suing me for same claim HELP!

Business & Finance

November I noticed a Caller ID starting to show up from Cambece Law but we had never heard of them and didn't give it much thought. That same week when I happened to catch the call they asked for my husband, I asked what this was reguarding (it was a law office) they said just let him know it's about a legal matter. I told him to call, but he didn't.

That next monday at work he called frustrated beyond belief. They had gotten the district office where he works and called human resource 20 times by lunch to verify his employment because they would not give this classroom ext.inbetween that they had called random ext. S asking if the would let him know there was a "legal matter" and left there number.

I called and spoke with a supervisor and demanded to know what this was about. He asked if I shared finances with him. He said my husband owed Providian $1500, and how was I going to make the payment. I told him to stop calling and let me ask because I didn't know about that card. This was my first call from a collection agent and he knew it. He said he would keep calling his work until I made a payment now, he said he would serve us at work and I could stop being a deadbeatand avoid it all, he was trying to act like the Sopranos. I was scared and he hung up on me.

I got on the computer by the time my husband got home I had learned so much, I called him back and said I wanted his fax number, he hung up and wouldn't take my calls. He said I did this to myself. I found his fax, I sent mycertified letter. He called people i didn't even know on my street asking them to go get me. He managed to get my familys number.

He responded to my Validation letter by stating that he received it and "conveyed" my requestto their client Arrow Financiala valid assignee of Providian Bank and said

This letter shall hearby inform you that neither this firm, nor our client accepts or will be bound by (1) any legal assertions or quasi legal assertions set forth in you letter, and (2) the time limitation that you set for providing you with verification of your debt. It is this firm's that no such limitation is permitted under the Fair debt Collection Practies Act, 15 U, S.C. 1692 et seq.
Signed Winnie Pang

That was last December I wrote back stating all laws broken and that I had filed a complaint and would have to file a suit against them. And we stilll have never seen the application contract ect... I thought it was done. They could not get verification because it was in storage on microfilm and it would take some time. I never heard from them again until we were served 8pm Sunday night.

I will be going to court please don't state the obvious or be mean.

I really need to know if Arrow was in any way responsible for getting me Validation and if that even matters legally if they don't give it to you as requested. And the summons is from a new Lawyer but I didn't get a letter to attempt to collect it went straight to court.

What do I say in my response. I can't get a lawyer until I get my tax return I don't want to blow it for later. Any help appreciated.

Company: Arrow Financial Services, J.A. Cambece, Eskanos & Adler Via Providian
Country: USA
State: California
City: Riverside
Address: 2325 Clayton Rd, Concord, ca, 94520
Phone: 8003649919
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