American Family Insurance
Raised Homeowners Insurance Rates because of a credit report

Business & Finance

We have been customers of American Family Insurance for over 4 years. We have always paid our premiums and we have are car and house insurance with them.

We recieved a letter in Jan stating our home owner insurance went up $199! Called our agent and he stated that they ran our credit report and we have bad credit.

We never gave permission for them to run our credit. We don't have really bad credit, just some thing in the past over 7 years ago. We have always paid both car and house insurance and have had no problems with this company.

How can you treat your customers like this? I can understand a higher premium if we had made late payments or had a lot of house claims, but not because of some credit problems we had in the past! How dare you guys!

Further more, if a person has bad credit, why on earth would you think they could afford a higher premium? We will be looking at other insurance companies for better rates. American Family, you just lost 2 valuable customers, unless you fix this issue!

Company: American Family Insurance
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Madison
Address: 6000 American Pkwy
Phone: 6082492111
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