Chrysler Financial
Online Payment not working without notice and ruining my credit

Business & Finance

I was paying my bill online since 2004. This end of the year the online payment feature was not working since Dec 29 so I could not post my payment. Customer service was not available neither up to Dec 31st for limited hours only (I can believe how such big corporation has not 24/7 customer service on 21st century as even small companies have it). The only service active was automated phone service who can not answer you if your credit will be damaged because of their "systems vacation". They have a new login that we need to change it before we can use it and still not available as of today Jan 2nd 2008. I contacted their customer service this morning letting them know the frustration of probably thousands of people with same problem and they said "we know our system is not working but is your fault because you did not paid before this problem happen". I said to them that I can not see the future and any responsible company give you the chance to do your payment "until they fix their system" without damaging your credit.
However the system that report late payments to the credit bureau is working perfect to kill asap the credit of their customers who fail even for one day.
Can we open a clause suit for this? We know we choose to payy the last days of the month, but this is not a valid option? I did it before without problems. But customers like us struglling to make car payments every month without failure, do we deserve some chance to forgiveness when their systems dont work? Do they can show a litle more compassion? Anyway they share responsability because we trust on their systems to do our part of the contract.

Company: Chrysler Financial
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Farmington Hills
Address: P.O. Box 9223 -Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9223
Phone: 8008005568172
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