Pacific National Bank
Xavier, Misleading Predatory Behavior Against Senior Citizens

Business & Finance

I opened an account so that I may access my SSI aged benefits on December 20. I was told that my money would have to be held, even thought it was a government check, for 9 days. I was not told it would be 9 business days, which didn't include weekends and Christmas. I didn't mind not having money a little bit after Christmas, but was told today, 9 days after the day I opened the account, that I won't even have my money for the new year. I can not access my money until January 4. This was not disclosed to me, because had I known that it would be 9 business days, I would not have opened the account. I plan on closing my account on January 4, for all the trauma and disgust that I had to endure, from not having any access to my money.

Company: Pacific National Bank
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hayward
Address: 22268 Foothill Blvd
Phone: 5108897473
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Chevy Chase Bank
A Division of Capital One, N.A. The Grinch That Stole Christmas for a measely $135.00

Bank of America Corporation
Payroll deposit held in pending status

Account blocked

US Direct Express
Direct express you cannot even access account information past 90 days

Wilshire Credit Corp
~ Change In Web Addy? Unresponsive Unable to access account info from website since January

Chase Bank
$25 early account closure fee

PNC Bank
Horrified - Checking Account

SEFCU Credit Union
Loss of funds

National Union Fire Insurance Company
NUFIC Stole Money from an Austitic Child

Key Bank
Ripoff Fee for this Fee for that Just give me all your money now