Homeq Servicing
Lying snakes that want to steal our home from us no good

Business & Finance

My wife and I had to close our bussiness and file chapter 7, we got out of our bankrupcy and were having a difficult time making our payments. We continuously tried to work with them and ask them for help. We sent hardship letters and did what they asked and still no help.

They continued to raise our interest rate and still not help us they also reported us while I was on active duty in the military and my wife was having our fourth child (with complications).

We are now facing forclosure and tried to have a short sale done, it was rejected. We went back with a counter $11,000 more and it was still refused. For over a year we have not received one statement or letter from homeq. We feel that they are trying to steal our home from me and my family.

Homeq has done noting but lie and string us along, I beleive that they are tring to steal our homes.

Company: Homeq Servicing
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Phone: 8778677378
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HomEq Servicing
Balance is higher now than it was a year ago ripopff

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HomEq wants you to foreclose

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HomEq Servicing
They want you to foreclose