Wants to forclose on my house. Ripoff Charlotte

Business & Finance

I got behind on my house payments for two months with Homeq, because none of the courses I teach (I'm a part-time community college teacher) had enough students to make this summer.

This past Saturday, I got a letter from Priority Trustee Services of NC telling me that they represent Homeq Servicing Corporation as servicer for Citibank N.A. (I thought Homeq belonged to Wachovia, and that they were going to forclose on my house.

Yesterday (Tues.) I got a forclosure notice that said that the date of my hearing with the Clerk of Superior Court in the county where I live was Sept. 13 and that the date of sale was Oct. 4 in front of the courthouse. The notice also said that "The Holder (Homeq) has confirmed in writing to the Substitute Trustee (this PTS outfit) that within 30 days of the date of this notice (August 4), the deptor (me) was sent, by first-class mail to the debtor's last known address, a written statement of the amount of principal and interest that the Holder claims in good faith is owned as of the date of the written statement." I never received such a letter. Is this legit or is it a scam? Also, do I have a right to see a copy of the original letter that Homeq claims to have sent me?

I haven't had anything but constant headaches with Homeq, and as far as I can see, they are nothing but a bunch of greedy crooks.

Also when my wife called the firm, they told her that we would have to pay in addition to what we owe Homeq, $1000 for atorney fees. (Basically, they didn't do anything). Do I have a right to demand an itemized list of their charges?

Finally, when I went to the courthouse in my county, I was told that they didn't have any records of a hearing or of a sale.

Frankly, I'm tired of dealing with these people, and I think they just want to rip me off for every penny I have.

Any suggestions?

Company: Homeq
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Site: homeq.com
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Total scam ripoff raleigh


Ripoff www.homeq.com

Homeq Services - Wachovia
HOMEQ SERVICES WACHOVIA homeq is trying to foreclose on my house charge me late fees that don't exist. It is all a scam ripoff

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