Thor Credit Corp
Theft of checking account!

Business & Finance

I want to warn all who give their checking account information to this company for payment by check-by-phone. Don't do it. We agreed to have them take out a payment on Oct. 31st and Nov. 2nd, but they also took a payment out on Nov. 5th which was unauthorized, which threw our checking account into insufficient funds category, which made our car insurance payment bounce, which led to them canceling our vehicle insurance we had for over 30 years! They are still saying we owe even more.

I have faxed these people proof of their withdrawal, and they still argue that we owe more. Plus we've been charged numerous overdraft fees that run into the hundreds of dollars. My husband is retired and extra money just doesn't drop in our laps. And we live in this RV, so we're at risk of loosing our home.

Beware people!

Company: Thor Credit Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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Thor Credit Corp
Theft of checking account

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