WoW, Im so glad I checked this site out before finalizing my policy. (Already had red flags which is what lead me here)

Business & Finance

I engaged an agent from this company and found that my premium was less than half what progressive and many other insurance companies quoted me at. This raised a red flag. (I mean, wow, out of the blue a lone insurance company is half my quoted premium from scores of other agencies)

I then started asking the agent very direct questions trying to catch him off guard or catch him lying. The more and more I pried into the nitty gritty workings of their company the more red flags were being raised. I then found this site on the internet and it confirmed my suspicious.

This is a very shady company people, don't be lured by their cheaper rates, they obviously have an unethical business model that is set up to glean extra revenue from the customer with various nickel and dime charges hidden in fine print.

Sooo, I decided to call up again with a total bogus name and info and pretend I was going to buy policy. I asked the same direct questions and even presented various scenario's to the agent (various scenarios wherein I would file a claim, and their resulting process) Both agent's conflicted greatly in what they said. This was the nail in the coffin for me. This is a very very shady company.

I plan on contacting everyone here that was "robbed" by this company and I plan on contacting the Better Business Bureau.

Not to mention they claim to be based in California, yet the only address I found was a PO Box in South Dakota. Yes, a PO Box. What kind of reputable company does business from a PO Box. The only companies I can think of are collection agencies and other low-rent type of businesses.

Something else very questionable was their response to my inquiries regarding the need and use of my social security number. (because outside of home loans, auto loans and medical insurance, I don't give me social to anyone for any reason what so ever.) When I asked both agents why my social security number was needed they fumbled around with responses and contradicted each other. (finally after I said "well thanks for your time but I do not render my social to just any random business - I will have to pass on this policy", only then did they say they could give me a policy without it) Shady! Shady! Shady! In the end they claimed it was to ensure "my policy is as accurate as possible". Absolute rubbage. It is obviously used for collection purposes when the customer ultimately cancels their policy and then gets reamed with with cancellation penalties hidden in fine print. Who ever heard of a cancellation penalty from an insurance company???

If you really are a masochist and still desire to patronize this company - I HIGHLY advise you pay with a money order or bank check, under no circumstances would I trust these thieves with your credit/debit/checking account number and certainly not your SSN.

Company: ESurance
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Address: P.O. Box 5250
  <     >  


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