Litton Loan Servicing
I need help on how to fight these guys. I feel like I'm fighting for my life

Business & Finance

Litton is trying to take our home too. Don't know who to talk to or get to help me. They say we owe them 20,000.00 and i know we only missed six payment due to illness and if we owed them that much money that means we have not made a house payment in two years. I can't get them to give me any documents to support what they are saying. They started forclosure Nov. 8 2007 and we are trying to do a loan modifacation with them to save our home. Don't know what they are going to come up with but i need some advice of what to do. No one wants to loss their homes, but they got our hands tighted. Things have just got out of hand. Where do they get their figures from. At one time we were making double payments and let all of our other bills go wiych caused more problems. I am willing to do whatever it takes to help anyone. Not sure if we are going to beable to save our home but if anyone has any advice please contact me.

Company: Litton Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Phone: 8009998501
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