Litton Loan Servicing
Notice of default and foreclosure in less than 60 days... Courtesy of Litton Loans!


As of 11-1-08 my loan was transferred to litton Loan Servicing-as of that date my life has become a nightmare and living hell thanks to Litton Loans. On 12-22-08 I received notification via certified mail that I am in default and pending foreclosure proceedings! This process took less than 60 days which must be some kind of record, and I would think ultimately illegal and criminal! I would think I have some kind of due process rights which have been violated since the beginning of this whole Litton Nightmare!!!

I might add I have been in this house for 5 years, have never missed a mortgage payment UNTIL my transfer to Litton loans. My November and December payments have never been posted after numerous attempts to pay and my taxes are over-due as of December 10. I have talked to so many reps who have never assisted me in any positive way. I have paid over the phone at least 4 times and the payments never posted due to " the banking account given was wrong!" How many times can you give incorrect numbers to these people!!!

The end result is I don't know what to do anymore! I have written to the Attorney General's Office, the Governor, and political officials. I need help!
Please help me save my home and fight back against Litton loans! I know I am not the only person that has experienced their Nazi like tactics! I am open to all suggestions and advice!!! Thank-you.

Company: Litton Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 4828 Loop Central Drive
Phone: 8009998906
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Litton Loans
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Litton Loan Servicing