Bank United Of Texas
Illegal foreclosure practices

Business & Finance

My husband and I assumed a mortage with this bank in 1997. We never received a payment book or statement of any kind from them nor have we been able to get our interest statements forms them for our taxes. They will charge late fees on payments made on time. They will also accept payments for months and then you come home and find a notice of foreclosure and sale on your door.

When you call to find out what is going on they say that they returned your checks to you because you were behind and it was not enough to bring it current. You of course have not received any check back and can not believe this. You search back on your records and find that at the time they did not accept the checks you were paid months ahead. You of course have to file bankruptcy to save your home because they are unwilling to go back and check their records or correct the mistake.

I started looking into this and have found many complaints on the internet about this bank and it's practices. I would like to hear from anyone having suffered from the illegal practices of this bank, I am pursuing a class action suit against this bank as this may be the only way to stop them. Please e-mail me at if you are interested.

Company: Bank United Of Texas
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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