Drive Financial
Drive is a BAAD idea for financing

Business & Finance

Drive made it impossible for my husband and I to keep our car. They made no record of our payments and were very snobbish and rude. The car was 17000 and our payments were 469 a month. For a month we didn't have any information from the compny until they called to inform us that we were 1 month behind and after that we kept getting further and further behind until the car was repoed.

Company: Drive Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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Drive Financial
Dallas Texas repoed a car without notifying the owner it was behind other person was driving and paying the car

Drivetime Financial
Repoed a car that has all payments made on time. Ripoff! Scam!

Drive Financial
Drive finacialdrive finacial sold me ford taurus not even fully loaded at 19,000 scewed me with 480.00 a month would not lower the cost for that cheap car!

Drive Financial
Count Me In On Lawsiut! Drive Financial is a RIP OFF!

Drive Financial
The Drive Financial Ripoff Plan

Drive Financial
Harrasses Disabled, Frankfort, Indiana Drive Financial screws Indiana disabled woman then harrasses her everyday for money after taking truck!

Drive Financial
Not posting all payments made

Drive Financial
Ripp off

Drive Financial
Customer Service Drive Financial Will Drive You Nuts!

Drive Financial
Drive, financial, auto Loan, car loans, ford, drive finacial, car, truck, ripoff, dont get it