Beneficial Client Care
Rip-off business dirty SOB's screwed others too

Business & Finance

I gave this company $247.00 and was promised a credit card.

Almost three weeks have passed and i still havn't received anything.

I called them to see what was going on and didn't hear a word from anyone.

So i decided to check this company out to see what they had to offer and all i saw was credit card fraud from hundreds of people they've ripped off!!!

I demand that innocent people should be helped by stopping this company!!!

san leandro, California

Company: Beneficial Client Care
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: PO Box 21282
Phone: 8669990330
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Beneficial Client Care A.K. A Beneficial Cleint Telephone
Beneficial Client telephone A.K. A Beneficial Client Care ripoff

Beneficial Client Care
Beneficial Client I got ripped off $247. Consumer rip-off fraud

Beneficial Client Care
Ripoff, fraud, liars consumer fraud

Beneficial Client Care
Misrepresented lied consumer rip-off fraud took my money!

Beneficial Client Care
Beneficial Client Care aka Beneficial Credit Care is a ripoff scam., Worldwide

Beneficial Client Care
Ripped me off for $247

Beneficial Client Telephone

Beneficial client care
Beneficial client care is a dirty POS SOB scam, THEY RIPPED ME OFF. Lake park

Beneficial Client Care
Ripped off and scammed

Beneficial Client Care
Beneficial Client care ripoff