Metropolitan Life Insurance Aka MetLife
Very deceptive practices and employee abuse

Business & Finance

This well known company is taking the outsourcing route as have many other big companies in this country. I've see all of this before but MetLife is bring this practice to an all time low. They are outsourcing lowly clerk jobs to India and attempting to trick the remaining employees to work for the outsourcer (ACS Inc, another pretty nasty outfit) to avoid paying severance pay and unemployment compensation.
First they tell the employees they have to sign a paper saying they are no longer Met Life employees and now work for the outsourcing company. The outsourcing company gives them literature that would indicate ACS is a pretty good employeer. Don't believe a word of it. The department I am familar with processed incoming requests from policy holders and investors. The department would read the requests, make decisions on how the request would be best processed, encode the request and scan it into the processing system. A fairly pleasant job that at least let you use some intelligence and provided a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. The job pays about 10~12.00 / hr.
Now, ACS didn't want the employees to know this prior to signing the agreements to come to work for ACS instead of Met. Their jobs, should they be selected through the joke of an interview process would suddenly disappear and they would become "piece-work" employees much like the sweat-shop jewelry factories here in RI. Relagated to slicing open the mail and scanning it into a computer system to be processed by some 50 cents-a-day worker in India.
Many long-time, 20/30 year employees are losing everything because of this. How would you like to have had a respectable job for many years and now be told you need to work like a slave when you're 58 years old. ACS outright told the employees, you keep up, or you're out, no notice.
I hope some Met folks see this and do the right thing, DON"T SIGN. Let them fire you and you collect your severance pay and file for unemployment right away. Don't let this crap company get away with trying to trick and fool the same employees that have made the company the power-house it once was. Metropolitan Insurance no longer warrants being thought of as a premier carrier of choice in this country. They should be ashamed of themselves, of their business practices and of their out-and-out lies at the web site about how great a comapny they are to work for.
I'm embarassed to say I used to talk up this comapany as being well run and a great place to work. Yet another example of why America is becoming a thris rate country. God save us.

Company: Metropolitan Life Insurance Aka MetLife
Country: USA
State: Rhode Island
City: West Warwick
Address: Bald Hill Rd
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