Palisades Collection
Unauthorized debit of my bank account

Business & Finance

Palisades Collection Agency took an unauthorized payment out of my account after it was agreed (via phone) that they would not take the payment on the said date.

Repeated calls to Palisades Collection Agency have netted no results as far as putting the money back in my account. They have told me that they "have no record of the conversation" and have refused to send anything in writing to me.

The unauthorized withdrawal had caused my account to become overdrawn and naturally I incurred bank fees as a result.

In addition, Palisade Collection Agency employees have been rude, threatening and uncooperative at best. This company should, at a minimum, be investigated fully.

Francine n.Y.
Bronx, New York

Company: Palisades Collection
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
Address: They Refused To Supply Address
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