Rip-off through bank charges!

Business & Finance

I do believe that Cashcall will be caught someday, and I hope to see it.

I see everyone defending Cashcall saying to 'buck up and pay your bill and stop whining', however they keep overlooking the issue.
No one on here is saying they dont want to pay their debt.
Its Cashcall's practices, not the loan rate, thats the issue.

When we first got the Cashcall loan, no one working for them told us of the percentage rate. And the contract is such a nightmare to get through as it is. The commercial whizzes by so fast and the percentage is so small you practically miss it.

Their practice should be that they make it more easy to find and tell you in the beginning what the rates are. And since they won't, because if people were to know their rates, they'd lose business.
They are being sneaky about their rates.
This is where the government needs to come in.

So even after all that, we know we are bound to the contract at that interest rate, even if Cashcall made it hard to find the rates.

But thats not even remotely the issue with them that I feel deserves a class action suit.

We missed one month due to a family emergency. Even AFTER speaking with Cashcall and working with them, THEY told us that they would give us until the 18th to pay it.

But they did not honor this. They still continued to try to force the payment through the bank, and did this twice before the 18th, that we were hit with many bank charges, and this took away from what we were saving up to pay them on the 18th.

So now we had to call them and tell them we couldn't pay til the 1st, because of this. And since then they have already tried to run it through three times, not including the $15 late fee charge seperately, and each time these get slapped with insufficient funds.

They tell us we have until a specific date, they should honor it, but they dont.

Another thing is, they do harass. California (if not federal) law states they can only call once a day. They call more than that.
For example when they told us initially we had until the 18th, they called the next day and the next day over and over again.
They left messages stating that they havent heard from us, and the times we have spoken some of them have mentioned taking our account to a lawyer.

For being behind this month.

We understand we signed the contract and must pay the loan, and we are not trying to get out of that. We are not looking for any handouts from these people.

What we would like is
a) follow their word when they give us an extended deadline
b) stop the harrassing calls, saying we don't communicate with them when we do
c) we would want them to compensate us for all the bank fees they caused!

So if anyone does contact a lawyer for a class action, add us to the list, because Cashcall needs to be regulated.

And also to note, even though some things they are doing that are upsetting people are not illegal, it doesnt mean you have to sit and take it up the backside.
It takes people to stand up and say something is wrong, in order to make the change, and make it illegal.

Company: Cashcall
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange County
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Don't fall for cash call. It will ruin your life

Harassment and high interest


Unfair Fees, Unwilling to cooperate ripoff

Are the interest rates illegal in florida and other states? Internet

Sick and tired of being harrassed by CashCall

Cashcall Anahiem, Ca / Fountain Valley, Ca. & Las Vegas Nevada
Cashcall, inc, cashcall anahiem, ca - fountain valley, ca. & LAS VEGAS NEVADA CASHCALL harrasing phone calls to my employer. Anaheim, Las Vegas

Cashcall, Cashcall LLC., Cashcall INC
Petition regarding Cashcall

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