No help from ASC, they are horrible... Wells Fargo should be ashamed! Ripoff

Business & Finance

Our mortgage was sold to ASC shortly after we bought our home in 2005. Fortunately we've never (not yet, anyhow) had any problems with our payments, be it automatic or otherwise. Our problem is this... I called them on Aug. 16th '07 to speak with someone regarding the fact that our 2 year ARM is set to adjust in October and we will not be able to afford anything higher than our current payments. I explained that we have endured several hardships this year (they don't care about that) and that we are currently living paycheck to paycheck and can not afford any higher payments. Unfortunately they do not look favorably upon the idea of being proactive. Our problem lies in the fact that we've made all of our payments ON TIME. If we were in default then they could help us!!!

After reading some of the other postings on here it seems quite clear that they would happily watch us get behind in our payments and see us into foreclosure! I refuse to accept what they've told me and am now doing research on ASC and their ways of doing business. It scares me to read all of the other posting about this company, because I do not want to end up in a situation like that with them. We have made all of our payments on time and want to be responsible about our house, but we know that if our payments adjust we will not be able to keep up, and have tried to explain to them that we don't want to lose our house. We thought that they might be interested in helping us so as to avoid another foreclosure, but it now seems that they almost like foreclosing on their "customers".

Has anyone tried to initiate a class action suit or any kind of action against them??? I'd be interested and willing to be involved or at least help.

Company: Asc
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: PO Box 10388
Phone: 8006625014
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