Pressler And Pressler
Threating to put me in jail over a citibank card! No proof has been sent! Ripoff

Business & Finance

Pressler and Pressler has been hassling me for the past year or so over a Citibank credit card to which I am in debt. I have repeatedly tried to schedule payments but Pressler has been unwilling to do so.

I asked for documentation of the allegeded amount that I owe so that I can have proof for my own records and to make sure the amount was correct but they denied this to me.

I contacted them again and asked to start making payments, this is where it got ugly. First they called me irresponsible and said that I needed to pay the full amount or else they were going to arrest me and put me in jail.

I explained to them that I wasn't able to pay previously because I was in college supporting myself with no mother and a single disabled father. After graduating college My father died so I was even more confined with money.

I told them there was no way I could kick out the full amountsince I had rent and other bills. I told them I was able to start off with $50 a month and once hired at a new job my payment amount would increase. They denied this to me and sent out court papers reporting me to go to court.

I direally want to solve this matter so that I can begin to clear my credit I am working full time and I am able to make payments.

Company: Pressler And Pressler
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Cedar Knolls
Address: 16 Wing Drive
Phone: 9737535100
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