Juniper Credit Card
Scam and seems unlawful! Ripoff Wilmington Delaware

Business & Finance

Juniper sent me a flyer promoting balance transfers at 11.99% - It was a little better than what I was paying. What they lead you to think is that it is 11.99% on entire. What it is actually, is 11.99% on transfer PLUS 11.99% on purchases. I'm paying TWICE, TWO APR's... I pay my CC faithfully, yet every month my minimum balance almost doubles when I've made no purchases.

I went to the website today to pay my account and to my dismay, my minimum payment has more than doubled with NO PURCHASES! After searching and searching as to why, I see they have upped my apr to 30% I've never heard of such a rate. I contacted them three times via email and have yet to get a responce.

Today I called but they only take person to person calls from 6am-2pm. I resorted to email again - I have two emails and a phone no. - lets see if they return a responce this time. This whole thing just seems not right.

I pay on time, I pay the amount requested and they wack me with so many fees the balance just goes up and up! I'd like to refuse to pay this account until they remove fees but I'm not sure if I can do that - Any advice? Also - I pay my account online so my payments are NEVER behind.

Company: Juniper Credit Card
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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