Ameriquest Mortgage - AMC Mortgage
Loan documents forged, adjustable rate applied without warning, lost home after Ameriquest sent men to my home to frighten and strong-arm myself to move. These men also stalked us, stole from us, and watched us

Business & Finance

I am trying to decide if I should take the state's settlement but would like to find an attorney to discuss my situation with. Ameriquest backed me into a loan I had no business trying to live with. My income was overstated, employment documents forged, and then when I could not make the payments that ended up being more than my monthly take home pay, my adjustable rate was inacted, making the payment even more unmanagable, Ameriquest claimed to want to work things out with me, and I waited two year to come to an agreement, after two years of no payments, they decided not to try to work anything out, demanded all of their money, started foreclosure proceedings, when I filed for bankruptcy to try and save my home (which had over 200K worth of equity) men started coming to my home at all hours of the day and night, threatening, items began disappearing, and when I decided to move my children out of the home, these men tryed following us, stalking us, continued with the threats and then vandalized the home. I need advise about what to do. Thanks.

Company: Ameriquest Mortgage - AMC Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange County
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Ameriquest Mortgage Or AMC Mortgage Services
Ameriquest inflated our appraisel and stuck us with an adjustable rate. Ripoff

Ameriquest Mortgage
(How to actually SCREW someone) and get by with it Ameriquest Mortgage

Ameriquest Mortgage
Ripoff We were scammed by Ameriquest In 2004 they over appraiesed or home and since then we have not been able to refinance with them or any other company and now we are stuck with a high payment and an adjustable rate that we are unable to get out of

Ameriquest Mortgage
Ripoff Orange, california

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Ameriquest Mortgage
Fraud and scam

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Ameriquest Mortgage Company
Ripoff offered us mortgage insurance in case we got hurt then couldn't find any record of this insurance!

Amc Mortgage Services
Overappraised my home at 169,000 dollars tryed to refi. That company appraised home 83,000

Ameriquest Mortgage - AMC
Ameriquest Mortgage Company - AMC ripoff has appaisals fasleified to push through high interest rates and loan approvals