USA Credit
Pulling money out of checking account without permission and don't know who they are we even switched our accounts

Business & Finance

Usacridit has been taking money out of our account with out our permission. We even changed accounts and this has started again and is causing a nightmare with our financies again. We need help and how we can solve this. Not sure how to contact usa credit. The 1st time we owed the bank 400 dollars and some and now we already owe about 163 dollors due to usa credit.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Company: USA Credit
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Usa Credit
Debited my checking account for 149.95 without my permission i have never given usa any kind of permission nor do i know who they are Ripoff

Academy Credit Llc
The company took 49.99 out of my checking account without my permission. I went on and end up with a charge from them
Taking money from accounts without permission

Ap9 Privacy Matters

Planet Fitness
Bad service and terrible policies

They steal money out of bank accounts without permission

Straight 2 You Networks - Anthony - owner
Straight 2 You Networks, Anthony-owner ripoff: Charges your credit card or checking account for more accounts than you have and will not refund the money and then claims you frauded them!

They took 37 dollors out of my checking account without permission. Not sure

Next Millineum Credit Card
Theft of Funds from My Checking Account

Sandra L Fuller
Sandra L Stegall She opened a credit card accounts using my name and income (she was/is not employed) making numerous charges all unknown to me