Portfolio Recovery Associates
Wierd accents, buzz words and accounts that never existed. Ripoff

Business & Finance

I got a Bill for 15-hundred bucks allegedly from a bank that I've never done business with. When I call them I get folks with fake accents that are so blatant it's sad. Tried blaming other people in my household when I lived alone at the time. Lots of 'next step' lingo and no regard for my repeated statements that I've never even banked with the firm in question. Now all I get are letters demanding payment or police reports and threats of terminating investigations and returning it to the 'collection floor'.

I love how they demand account information yet offer none. Thank god I live a no credit lifestyle or these guys would have me so upset.

What damage if any can they do to us? And what must be done to close out these fraudulent accts?

Company: Portfolio Recovery Associates
Country: USA
State: California
City: Concord
Address: Dept 992 Po Box 4115
Phone: 8003838013
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