Cslogin - Inde Plus Visa
They called my phone about a credit card to see if i qualify and they said there would be a fee taken from my account when i tried to call back to cancel they told me to come to this web site. They have taken money from my account ripoff

Business & Finance

They called my phone about a credit card to see if i qualify and at the in they said there would be a fee taken from my account when i tried to call back to cancel they told me to come to this web site. They have taken money from my account and tried to deposit twice in the amount of 1-2 cents. Now my account is overdrafted and plus i got all kinds of fees to pay. And for nothing. I did not agree to

I report i was ripped off by some garbage company trying to rip people off around the world obviously by all the reports. This is unfair im a hardworking single mom i don't need this sh*

hammond, Indiana

Company: Cslogin - Inde Plus Visa
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8884334096
Site: www.cslogin.com
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Inde Plus Visa
Inde plus visa is charging 17.95 then 17.95 and then 159.95 and doing deposits of. 01 and. 02 cents with a differnt account number every time. I did not authorize any of these charges. Ripoff

Cslogin.com Inde Plus Visa
Taking money out of my account Internet nationwide

Inde Plus Visa
Taking money from my savings

Inde Plus Visa
Taking money from my bank account ripoff

Inde Plus Visa
They took money out of my account without my authorization. They check to see if my account is active they then take. 54 out then 17.95 then 17.95 then 159.00 out of my account i need my money back asap.indep plus visa ripoff

Inde Plus Visa
Taking money from my bank account via internet ripoff

Inde Plus Visa
I've been ripped off!

America Online, AOL
Ripoff would not stop taking money from my bank account Blank

Inde Plus Visa
Charges of $15 mo. After cancelling. Phone now says use internet only, no way to talk to anyone ripoff

Inde Plus Visa
Started taking 14.95 from my checking account back in may 07 and deposited 1 and 4 cents each mouth