Bank Of America
Unfair practices, usury, deceptive practices Wilmington Delaware

Business & Finance

Like many others here, I had two cards originally issued by MBNA when Bank of America took over. First, they raised the minimum payments to nearly double what they were under MBNA. Then, they started raising interest rates. I had large balances, true, but I always paid on time. Of course, they would claim they received my checks a day late so they could charge me a $39 late fee.

I recently transferred the debts on these cards to a much lower (3.9% versus 26% at BofA) rate so I could try to get my debt paid off faster. Immediately, I got two letters from BofA. On one account, they told me they were closing it (I haven't used it in a long time, but still had a balance I was paying off). On the other, they said they were lowering my credit limit from $15K to $2K because I have too much debt. That part is certainly true, but I *know they wouldn't have done either of these things if I hadn't transferred the balances. Now they can't get their ridiculous interest rates out of me, so they did this. When I called them, they basically told me, "tough luck." They were extremely rude and NOT willing to help. My debt problems are of my own making, but WHY is it that when someone is trying to do something to help themselves out of a hard situation, companies like BofA make it even harder?

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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MBNA America
Raised rates when payments were never late excellent payment history wouldn't change rates back account now delinquent Ripoff

MBNA America
Bait and switch doubles interest rates without contacting you. Ripoff!

Bank Of America
Formerly MBNA Rip Off 38% Interest Rate Overly Inflated Deceptive Practices

MBNA America

MBNA is a deceptive ripoff company, they have excessive interest rates that are raised with no warning even though all payments on time

MBNA America
Spiked interest rate Ripoff

MBNA America
Rip-off con artists damaging good credit of perfect paying customers. Rip-off!

Bank Of America
Rips off crecit card customers doing balance tranfers

MBNA America
Dramatic credit rate increase

Mbna America
Raised interest rate because i have other creditors ripoff