Homecomings Financial
Courts HELPING Homecomings Financial to steal homeowners houses ripoff

Business & Finance

My close friend and his family are being evicted from their home after make all house payments on time and in full for the last 2 years.

At first I had a seriously hard time believing what he and his wife told me until I began to do some reasearch on Homecomings Financial and also Litton Loan Services LP. The court system is literally helping these predatory lenders steal peoples houses despite the fact ehy're making the payments on time and everytime.
The cases you're reading on here are very real as I can attest to after seeing this personally and tragically happening in front of my own eyes. Because of the size and amount of investigatory practices for a case like this, California has basically thrown out the class-action lawsuit court case in there state with no explanation at all.

Right now after talking to several people, the only hope is that a lawyer can temporarily apply an injuction against the eviction order which at best will only temporarily buy them some time. Meanwhile many of these predatory lenders use a practice in the mortgage industry called Forbarence to get the homeoner to commit to exhorbitant payments.

In my one friends case, they're literally telling him his house has already been sold without any notification by anyone of the problem. He has both himself, his wife, his 2 dogs and 2 year and 9 year old sons with absolutely no where to go.

The more I think about all this the sicker I get. Is it only a coincidence the company just happens to be in Dallas, Texas? Yep, the very same state that a Village Idiot calls home, despite the fact he was born in Connecticut.

I sincerley hope that at least if you look through these compaints, you'll see a blatant disregaurd for the law and how truly greedy these two companies are.
It would appear that there is no serious class action lawsuits going on which further helps the rich to become the filthy rich.

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 2711 N. Haskell Avenue
Phone: 2143075097
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