James B. Wolfe And Wolfe Capital Group
James b wolfe and wolfe capital group failed to deliver seasoned llc failed to provide training on corporate credit real estate investing and coaching ripoff

Business & Finance

My business partner and I were introduced to James B. Wolfe and Wolfe Capital Group in November. After a few meetings to get a better understanding of their product, performing initial background checks on the Company and individual, gauging our comfort level of trust in their product/concept, we decided to purchase a single LLC Package for $30,000.00 on 12/28. WE had worked hard to get my primary residence refinanced and a Home Equity Line of Credit performed to provide for this Purchase.

Excuse after excuse, James B. Wolfe was not available to follow-up on our business needs. His frequency of undeliverable such as trying to shove an UNSEASONED LLC, no Trainings, no Hotel-Condos, no letter of credit/line of credit like he promised in his contract, No database of Real Estate properties ready for purchase and frequent deflections/excuses. These frequencies started to erode our confidence in their professionalism. Sometime in February, there was an explanation of a falling out of his original staff and partners.

We stuck it through another 3 months when we had seen a revival of activity in their company and new staff members that seem to truly attempt to acknowledge their short-comings. After explaining to our new contact staff members, of our undeliverable, Wolfe Capital Group continued to disappoint us. They tried to pass 1 Million Dollar Credit as a True Credit Line.in fact, it was a Hard Money Loan. Acknowledging another failure, James B. Wolfe claimed he would do us a favor by talking to his Personal Banker and attempting to provide 5 $200,000.00 Lines of Credit for our Corporate Entity. He failed to deliver again.

We finally faxed and certified mail him a demand and full refund of our $30,000.00 in May. A week later we attempted to have a meeting with James Wolfe and we were given another lame excuse by his Executive Assistant Tamara Alexander that he was unavailabe and traveling out of state for the rest of the week. The following week we received a letter of wanting me to know my ONLY 2 options to receive monies minus their garbage fees. I would be forced to have it rolled over into a MLM aka Income Legacy or Structured 12 month return minus a few thousand in garbage fees. Enough is enough! We're totally fed up with James Wolfe lies after lies!!

We simply want our monies returned, last week we consulted our Attorney and she suggested us to report him to the local FBI, BBB of LV, The Local Authorities, Las Vegas Chambers of Commerce, National Ethics Board, and taking necessarry legal action to get our money back!

Don't trust James Bernard Wolfe and Wolfe Capital Group!!! The services that you deserve will not be renderred!!!

Company: James B. Wolfe And Wolfe Capital Group
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Phone: 7029825226
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Wolfe Capital Group - James Wolfe
Response to misrepresentation ripoff

Wolfe Capital Group - James B. Wolfe - Income Legacy
How to get in touch with James Wolfe

Wolfe Capital Group James B. Wolfe -Teri Brook Wolfe, Hal Shields -Michael Snodgrass - Laura Gunthrie
Wolfe Capital Group - James B. Wolfe - Teri Brook Wolfe - Hal Shields - Michael Snodgrass - Laura Gunthrie Hal Shields convinced me to get my life insurance license to work for Wolfe Capital Group u I referred my mom and he took $80,000

Wolfe Capital Group, James Bernard Wolfe, Michael Lemay, Michael Snodgrass

James Wolfe - Wolfe Capital Group - Income Legacy
New address for wolfe capital group - now income legacy ripoff

Wolfe Capital Group
Stalling tactics. COMPLETE FRAUD, OUR $30K seems all gone. Stay away from James Wolfe, Michael Snodgrass Ripoff

Wolfe Capital Group
James B. Wolfe - Mike Snodgrass - Mike Lemay - Hal Shields ABSOLUTE SCAM! Stay away - ripoff artists, ponzi

James B. Wolfe
Income Legacy Stole $30,000 in fraudulant scandal

Wolfe Capital Group - James Bernard Wolfe
Scam, Rip Off, Fraudulent Company & tactics

Wolfe Capital Group - James Wolfe - Hal Shields - Jeff Joseph/Edwige Bang - Nancy Moscow - Joanne
Wolfe Capital Group - James Wolfe - Hal Shields - Jeff Joseph - Edwige Bang - Nancy Moscow - Joanne Have not delivered as promised. My $30k is at stake! Ripoff Las Vegas