Is A Rip Off $124 Charge for nothing

Business & Finance

I dont have much to say but they charged me for nothing here is some of the word battle I have had with them

McChesney: Hello

Miranda: Hello, how can I assist you?

McChesney: I spoke to numerous reps the other day in regards of a refund and instead of assisting me they
disconnected me

McChesney: I have been lied to numerous times and have documented it also they claimed I disconnected the account the other day but it was your rep who did it without permission as a "courtesy"

McChesney: Claiming i didnt disconnect it from the day after signup
McChesney: Obviously very shady on your companies part
McChesney: now I will escalate this issue to whoever I need to get my refund

McChesney: you cant claim I waited to long for refund and then cancel the account with out permission and not refund me.

McChesney: Thats definitly illegal and all i want is my money back

Miranda: Well, based on the records and account information, as well as your chat history I think that everyone has tried to make it very clear that based on our policy you are not eligible for a refund.

Miranda: Now you can contact your bank, or whomever, but our policy is not flexible

McChesney: Ok well then what about then canceling an account without permission
McChesney: at that point i do deserve a refund
Miranda: Sir, someone was obviously doing you a favor, as it is, there was already an issue with the money withdrawn from your account.
McChesney: A favor I didnt ask for

McChesney: And as such he owes me the money i spent for a service you guys canceled
McChesney: one way or another you guys really messed up and I deserve a credit

Miranda: one moment sir.
Miranda: Look I understand that that you are upset, I do not understand however, why you cant accept the fact by cancelling your account, you are now under no obligation to this company, for a program that you more then likely didnt understand when you signed up for, and a service you dont want.
Miranda: As far as a refund goes...

McChesney: I didnt cancel it
McChesney: You canceled it all I did was pay for it

Miranda: I KNOW THAT.

McChesney: so explain to me how is someone going to pay for something and youll just decide oh well im going to cancel it give you nothing and take the money

Miranda: Okay, I am going to explain the program, please read this carefully and tell me if this is what you signed up for, and what you want...
Miranda: This EFS-Secured loan is similar to a savings secured loan, usually only available at banks and credit unions.in this program, we create the $10,000 secured savings account, and use the savings account that we provide on your behalf as collateral, but no cash is released to you, the customer. This money is frozen in the account.

As the loan is paid, the total cost to the applicant is only $24.95 a month, the applicant gains credit by paying the monthly cost of the loan established for them. This has advantages for the borrower. If the borrower defaults on the loan the collateral is already in the lender's possession so it is a very low risk, and pre-approval is guaranteed.

As a result, the lender usually offers a much lower interest rate. With this program the rate is a low $24.95 per month which equals out to less than 4% per annually. Unsecured credit is earned in as little as 90 days of on time payments and it is based on your current payment record with the company and not your past credit rating.

McChesney: it doesnt matter to me you cancled my service without permission and now I want my money back no where does it say in that we may cancel at random and not give you your money back
McChesney: no you tell me where does it say that
McChesney: I read it I dont see that stipulation
McChesney: I dont see anywhere that mentions you are allowed to make that desicion
McChesney: what does it matter what the program is or what I signed up for

Miranda: As with any business, any company, for any reason, has the right to refuse service to anyone, so if dont want to look at it logically, as we did you a service by cancelling your account, look at it like, you are a being ridiculous and we do not want to do business with you any longer
McChesney: Maybe you should put your supervisor on
Miranda: You have talked to supervisors already, they have told you the same thing.

McChesney: I wasn't refused service I was done a "favor"
McChesney: a favor I didnt want a mistake was made
McChesney: not a refusal
Miranda: If a bartender refuses to serve a very drunk patron another drink, that bartender is: A) refusing service and B) doing that patron a favor.
McChesney: it was your companies own warning
McChesney: your not a bartender
McChesney: and using your anology I got nothing from anyone of you for you to deny me the patron
McChesney: another question I have after I get my refund where does one mail a subpoena

Miranda: you need to stop harrassing me and our agents sir, you are not going to get a refund, i refuse to argue with you, i am flagging your account, and you will not have the opportunity to speak with anyone, this chat is not designed for argueing

McChesney: who is arguing

Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.
SVM Group Inc. P.O. Box 52080 Sparks, NV 89435

shelton, Connecticut

Company: Webchex
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Sparks
  <     >  


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